Monday, February 21, 2011

P-B Body, Hold the Jelly

It has been a year since I had my sweet little girl. It has been an amazing year with her. What hasn't been so amazing is my post-baby body.

It's been a year now and I have no more excuses as to why I still look like I gave birth yesterday.

I'm hoping that my motivation is slowly returning. After not working out religiously it's really hard to get back into that frame of mind. The body is willing but the mind needs to lead the way and I guess if my heart were more into it all of it would gel and come together perhaps?

This month I seem to be doing a little better. Well, really....last week is when I started to actually feel more consistent and I say that because it has led to me starting off this week to good start too.

Three workouts last week which were routines of running and weights. I'm hoping to get in maybe four to five workouts this week. I'll probably do a run and weights on Mon, Wed, and Fri and Thurs I'll probably just do the elliptical for 50 min.

I did a two mile run today and I'm being generous when I say "run", since I do about 13-15 minute miles these days. Oh well. I have to start somewhere and nice and slow is where it's at.

I'm hoping to lose enough weight to where I'm not always wanting to put on a pair of pants with a stretchy waist band. I think that's a realistic goal. :)


Chrissy said...

A workout buddy will help. Wednesday, it's on!

Zay said...

See you there! :)


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