Thursday, December 06, 2007

Do what?

Toby + electric blanket = a flushed bull terrier


KB said...

I thought it was like 70 there. Do you have your air conditioner on ... do you?

Zay said...

this was on a night when it was like 30 or 40 degrees at night. so instead of having to have a pup or a cat in our laps all night long, the electric blanket babysat the heat starved furries.

Mary T-Allen said...

I used to use Molly as my personal heater when I lived in this crappy apartment where if I left the gas furnace on all night, the pilot would go out and I would DIE. So i got a down comforter and Molly learned exactly where to go to keep my feet from being ice cold. Now, I have an actual heater, a husband with a ridiculously high body temperature, and a dog who thinks her rightful place is under the covers. Oy! Toby is so cute. I want to squeeze him at all times.

Zay said...

Mary...Toby likes to be squeezed as he gazes into your eyes and licks your face off...

If you ever get the chance to totally flirt with my dog then I apologize in advance for his hot trash breath.


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