broke as a joke
I went out today with a purpose in mind.
I replaced my 4 cylinder vacuum for a V8 vrrrm vrrrm vacuum.
I'll keep the ole 4 cylinder vacuum around to lug into the garage and the extra bathroom. It still vacuums well but it'll do better on hard surfaced floors. My poor Dirt Devil never stood a chance against the Dyson DC 07.
I <3 my new vacuum.
good cleaning supplies get me hot.
... i have issues ;)
haha...i love anything gadgety and i think this counts in that category.
I am so happy you came over to my side of things. Dyson owners unite! I knew you'd love it. It's the one thing in your life you really want to suck!
mary: i must say that i actually enjoy vacuuming right now. :)
I must say I'm a huge fan of Dyson. i think you made an excellent choice! If I could afford one right now I would buy one.
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