Yesterday was the big day. D-day. Kreg and I became home owners.
It should have been more bells and whistles than what it was. Why can't real life sometimes be like the movies?
The last paper signed. The shaking of the hands. The congratulations. The seller handing over the keys to the buyers.
I think there have even been shows where there was actual champagne at the closing too.
But no...there was none of that. There was only the signing of the papers. And before the signing of the papers there was a moment at the very beginning where the seller and her daughter sat down before us. The daughter slid the keys and the garage openers to us across the table and said, "Here. They're your's now."
There might not have been any great ceremony to this event but it was nevertheless still memorable.
After all was said and done, Kreg and I looked at one another and shared a smile and a sweet kiss. I'm not sure what was going through his mind at the moment but I felt as if we were both thinking the same thing which was, "we did this together."
There was also the feeling of, "oh shit. what have we done?"
I'm still trying to break the habit of calling it Mrs. Edward's house. Today, I've hung up my winter clothes in "my" closet at "my" new house. I think the more and more I see my stuff in "my" new home it will start to feel like "my" place.
Wheeeeee y'all. I'm a homeowner!! :)
Anyone know where I can get a second job?
I've heard dog walking brings in a lot of money. you can walk my dogs for free, though.. :P
Congrats again, though! I am happy for you!
awesome! i wondered what the status was; yay blogworld. it will start to feel like "yours" once the previous owner's smell goes away..its funny. once all your stuff (including dogs) is there and you've cooked some meals, you make it smell like your own! HA!
hahaha! that is great to hear. since you still have fresh memories of your move i am glad that you have an idea of what i am going thru right now and smell is an issue. the house smells like old lady in the way of moth balls and a musty dusty odor is definitely present. *lol* i have bought some citrusy scents in hope that it'll suck up some of the smells.
i cannot wait to wake up in my new home. :)
i think i just got a little teary eyed. shhhh...
Yes, I thought our closing might be a little more exciting, but it was mostly the guy at the title company being like "Okay initial these 500 pages, then sign your full name here and here and every where on the next 300 pages for the next hour and oh--where's the check?" Ha ha. Congratulations and don't forget *matches* make smells go away, too. At least, that's our old bathroom stand-by. ;)
Dude, Congrats! It's an awesome feeling.
BTW... where in TX, do you live? 'Cause we're coming to town!! We'll be in Austin. :)
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