Monday, August 27, 2007

Slap happy...

Two car loads doesn't sound like much but I'm exhausted. I got home at 5:20 and it is now 9:40. I'm just taking a small break right now, I swear.

There are moments as you get older when you discover small things that remind you that you are turning into your parents. As I'm packing up my house I am discovering that I have a shitload of food. My mom buys food as if the apocalypse is in our near future. Her storage of food would allow my parents to outlast the rising of zombies. My storage of food would be laughed at by my mom and then she would worry that I'm not eating enough as she prepares marinated meats, asian treats, and sliced fruits.


Mary T-Allen said...

Amen, sister. As we have been driving carload after carload after carload from the north side to the south side, I keep going through all the SFA new-semester traffic and I start bitching like I am 80 years old. "Who taught these teens to drive? Do they want to live to see 20? Can't they use their blinkers?" Oh my but I'm exhausted, too. I was cleaning a refrigerator out at 10 p.m. last night. Oh yeah! Can't wait 'til we can all hang out in our *new* houses after the storm.

Zay said...

I will see you today! :)


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