Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday Dinner


I've been a little busy on this website as of late. I'm trying to rejuvenate this web site a little. I spend all of my blog energy on my private blog that I have neglected this one for far too long. If you don't have access to my private blog it's not because I wanted to break up with you. It's just that it's all about my daughter and I wanted it to remain private to protect her.

Only my closest RL friends and family members have access to it. So, please don't think I have forsaken you.

I'm hoping I haven't lost all of my readers from my pre-baby days.

I'm not quite sure in which way I want this blog to go. I'm hoping that I will start to create again and be able to post those types of things here.

Right now, I have not crafted, painted, crocheted, or even glued anything in forever. For the first time since my little one has been born I finally completed a whole novel. Two novels now! :) I am starting on my third book and feel so excited that I am able to read again!

My hubby and I want to raise a little book nerd, since we both love to read so much. How do you make your child understand how much you love to read when you never read in front of her? Well, that has changed, thankfully.

You will notice I will start posting my cooking endeavors on here. I am trying to be better about what meals I present to my family. When it was just K and I, eating a frozen burrito was no big deal. I mean we weren't eating totally unhealthy meals. We probably ate 2/3 healthy and on occasion wanted a frozen burrito, because we didn't want to put any thought what went into our mouths.

We probably ate out about 2-3 times out of the week too. Now that number has changed to 1 x per week. We have recently started doing our Mexican food night again, since O is definitely a team player now instead of being an obstacle to restaurant dining.

Well, I have rambled on enough. Let's get to what I made for our Sunday dinner.

I used a vegan recipe for vegetable pot pie. The recipe was given to me from my dear friend, Chrissy, who got it from La Dolce Vegan cook book. K and I LOVE the horrible frozen pot pies. We used to buy those on occasion and NOM'ed them up. It took us one time to check out the nutritional value and was horrified on how unhealthy it was to consume. We haven't bought another frozen chicken pot pie since.

I was thrilled to try out this vegan recipe and K and I ended up loving this dish so much! I have made it on many occasions and it never gets tiresome.

Yesterday, was my first time ever though adding meat to the dish. I made a very unvegan chicken pot pie. I must say that the chicken didn't add a whole lot to the dish. Sure, there was chicken in it and perhaps more filling? I think next time I make the pot pie I will stick with it being vegetarian. I've never made it vegan since I used cow's milk and regular butter in my dish.

It was my first time not making the dough too. I actually bought two Pillsbury pie crusts and it turned out stellar. I am so happy that I have it as a leftover today for my lunch!

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