Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Move Recap

Thursday, 30 Aug: The movers arrived at around 9:11 a.m. and punched in to work at 9:13 a.m. They moved in the last box and punched out at 1:12 p.m. Thank goodness because if they would have clocked out at 1:14 then I would have had to pay another 100 bones.

Just about 4 hours exactly and the move was out of my hair and I could start to breath a little bit again.

K and I started to unpack this and that and soon realized that the time had sped by and it was time for Messican with D and F. We were all tired and I do believe F was extra grumpy and I should have known because she was wearing her Carebear's "grumpy for life" tshirt. That should have clued me in.

After the meal we all said our goodbyes and headed back home.

K and I worked at getting the home into some decent order and collapsed around 3 a.m. or so. I had almost convinced myself to just stay up and keep going. At some point, though, my brain was trying to shut down and make my body follow.

Friday, 31 Aug: Woke up and rolled out of bed. Fed the furries and drank coffee in front of HGTV. Took off to the old house at around 9 or 10 a.m. Swept, vacuumed, and then mopped the place. Loaded the car down with everything that was our's and still on the loose in the house.

By the time I got the majority of my shit out of the house and pushed the mop one last time D and F started their trips back and forth to the house to move in.

As soon as I got back home I took a long hot shower. I was so horribly gross and sweaty after all the house cleaning. After the shower I got back to unpacking my boxes. Once again the time sped by and it was dinner time. We met up with D & F and hit one of our fav restaurants. As we were settling in at our table M & S arrive so we got the wait staff to make our table into a table for six.

After dinner M & S came over to the new place and hung out with us until about 1 a.m.

Got to bed around 2 something.

Saturday, 1 Sep: Woke up at 7:30 a.m. because I talk to my mom at 8 a.m. but before that I have to feed furries, walk them, and make coffee.

After my chat with mom it was time to do some more unpacking. K had left around 11 to help D with a truckful of junk to take to the city dump.

A wonderful neighbor came by and delivered a huge chicken spaghetti casserole. When K got home around 3 something He and I devoured platefuls of chicken 'sghetti like rabid animals. Best damn dish in the world when you've been moving for days and haven't had one sit down at home meal.

We then took a drive to the nearest Sam's and Best Buy. Spent major money at both places. My favorite purchase, though, was my new laptop. Sweeet!

Came home and we unpacked some more. Later in the evening we got a visit from our friend G and our uncle D. It was fun to entertain in the new place. They stayed until about midnight or one-ish. We went to bed soon after they had left.

Sunday, 2 Sep: Made our first meal on the stove top and baked for the first time in our oven. We did all of the same things which involved unpacking and cleaning.

By 3-ish we left for the MRTs homewarming. The home was grand and the company was even better. And I noshed on everything that I saw. It was quite lovely.

Afterwards we went over to D & F's place (our old place) and played some wii.

We went home and nuked up some left overs and greedily ate more chicken s'ghetti and some hawaiian pork chops from union cafe.

Who knows when we went to bed. I've lost track of time by now. I had a hard time keeping up with what day it was.

Monday, 3 Sep: Woke up and started again on the home. We had made a trip to Wal-Mart at some point and bought even more stuff for the house. This trip basically sucked out every ounce of energy that I had left in me.

K made a nice dinner of steaks, brussel sprouts, and baked potatoes.

We actually made it to bed at a decent hour last night but only because we had to work the next day.

I so need a nap. zzzzzzzzzzz.

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