Sunday, August 19, 2007

Smooth Sunday


When I got up this morning I felt energetic. When I rolled out of bed I literally started to put on clothes to take the dogs for a walk.

I parked on North Fredonia and took the dogs for a walk around TJR several times. When we got home the dogs dropped to the floor to cool off and I made myself a cup of coffee. While K went to the grocery store I started to pack up a few things and got the laundry started.

I had requested for K to make his awesome chicken salad so that I could take it over to C & S. When I took it over to them today I got to sit down for a little while and chat. I really enjoyed seeing the new mommy and daddy. Of course, little R was adorable and she has the cutest little nose with a teeny tiny point to it. :)

When I got back home I decided right away that I needed some ice cream and had some spoonfuls and then did more laundry.

At some point I guess I didn't want to eat something like ramen for dinner so I made my mom's bean sprout soup (Kongnamul-guk), which I've provided a picture of.

After dinner I'll be packing up some more boxes. I wish I had this type of energy every day.

**german: k found mung bean sprouts at's in the little refrigerator section in the front of the produce where the bags of salad and dressings are.**
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the German said...

sweet!!!!!! and thanks for the kimchi.. (sp)!

Chrissy said...

that soup looks goooood. i would like to eat it right now. can you make that happen? :D

Zay said...

chrissy, no ma'am but i do have extra if you are interested. you have to be able to handle a little bit of spice though. :)

oh...and you need to be able to eat beef flavored soup stock.


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