I ordered and received these two chairs which will remain in their boxes until I move them into their new home. I think they'll reside on either side of my fireplace. If I can get two more of these chairs they might end up going with my dining room table. The chairs to my table are a bit rickety so it's something to consider.
those are so awesome! and i love the plastic chair too. so pretty! can't wait to come visit and see the new place. would you hurry up and move please? *snert*
as a house warming gift could you get me the plastic chair? :)
you so funny! if SOMEone hadn't just bought himself a wii last night (grrr), you totally would have gotten the chair from us. now, you will have to make do with a plant. or maybe just a card. *g*
I will only buy you a housewarming present if it can involve ultrasound glue...
These chairs are super cool--very jet setter, like you can only sit in them if you're drinking a scotch and soda out of a highball glass.
jet setter? i like the sound of that...but then i just start to think of the jetsons...
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